Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Assignment 2 - Unseen

PS Express, Contrastpunch
Snap seed, grain and center focus 
Snapseed, brightness and detail 
PS Express, Haze
Snapseed, center focus and lighting 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Assignment 1 - Things that Interest Me

Sports, PS Express-Silvered
Cars, PS Express-Vibrant
Cheesy goodness
No dogs were harmed in the making of this, PS Express-Vignette 
Structures and buildings, PS Express-koi

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What Photographs inspire me

Learning new things
 Best grill ever made
Falcon Football Sundays
 Outdoor activites

Why I am taking this class

I chose to take this class as my 3rd and final humanities requirement. While signing up, I was hoping to learn how to use photoshop and other similar programs. I hope the projects throughout the semester will help me to become a better photographer.